It is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water.
It is estimated that between 1,600 and 2 billion cups are drunk daily in the world.
Where more coffee is drunk is in the Nordic countries. Spain is in an intermediate position.
Saliva removes half of the true flavor of the coffee.
The word “coffee” comes from the Arabic “Qahhwat Al-bun”, which means “grain wine”.
The coffee comes from a tree called coffee tree up to six meters high.
The effects of coffee diminish when mixed with milk.
Coffee beans are not really beans. They are fruit seeds.
Coffee has great health benefits.
Coffee can improve physical performance.
It is among the most commercialized products in the world along with Coca Cola.
Cappuccino coffee is so called because its color is associated with that of the habits used by the Capuchin monks.
Some studies have shown that caffeine consumption can increase your metabolism by 3% to 11%.
Brazil is the largest producer of coffee; 30.16% of world coffee production.
They say that if you could store the energy of screaming produced in 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, it would be enough energy to heat a cup of coffee.
There are two types of roasting: natural and torrefacto.
Releases fatty acid from adipose tissue.
The largest coffee producers in Mexico are Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Puebla and Guerrero.
54% of Americans drink coffee every day.
The United States is the country that consumes the most coffee in the world.
65% of coffees are taken at breakfast.
In Korea and Japan there are cat cafes, themed establishments where they serve drinks, but in which the main attraction is cats.
In Japan there is also a place where you can bathe and swim in coffee pools, Yunessun Spa Resort.
And in France there is a cafeteria where if you don’t say “hello” or “please” the coffee is more expensive.
Although coffee is usually a breakfast drink, the best time to consume coffee is 2 to 3 hours after waking up.

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